FriDate mit Matilda

Matilda lebt in Oslo und ist als Chief Product Officer verantwortlich für eine Vielzahl an Produkten aus dem Hause Viking, die euer und das Leben eurer Kids einfacher machen. Als Mutter von 2 Kindern weiß sie dabei genau worauf es ankommt, was sich in den Details und der Qualität der Viking-Produkte niederschlägt. Aber lest einfach selbst…

Name: Matilda Linde-Monsore

Instagram/ SoMe: vikingoutdoorfootwear

Blog/ Website: Viking Outdoor Footwear

Age: 41

Child(ren): 2

Das Interview wurde auf Englisch geführt.

Matilda, for anyone who doesn't know Viking yet, what do you make? Vikings makes shoes and clothing for the active family.

You are Chief Product Officer at Viking, which means you are very close to the products and their direction. Who is the main source of the ideas and designs behind the products? Viking makes functional items with Scandinavian “less is more” design. We are inspired by everyday explorers of all ages.

The history of Viking began in 1920, is there a vision or a mission that Viking pursues? Vikings mission is to create a world where everyone can be an explorer.

Viking is apparently driven by innovation and a love of nature, is that where the decision to develop outerwear for kids came from? Yes, Viking has a long history of creating functional quality shoes for all ages, and we wanted to bring that knowledge and history into an apparel collection.

Which Viking products do you rely on when you and your loved ones go out into nature? My two children are off course fully dressed in Viking and my husband and I wear Vikings shoes. My children test Viking products all day long in Kindergarten, as well as every weekend on the playground, in the forest or in the mountains.

Speaking of nature, beach vacation or city trip? Neither! I prefer colder locations and hikes in nature.

Which 3 songs belong in your all-time playlist? At the moment I´m listening to my son and daughter’s playlist… it´s in Norwegian and it´s about dancing like a robot, not putting meatballs in your nose and fishballs living in the ocean.

Do you follow your head or your gut feeling? I follow my gut, but it has a very sharp and fast connection to my brain! J

Marty McFly invites you to ride in his Delorean, where will the journey take you? I would love to spend more time with my grandfather. I would also have loved for him to have met my children, so I would squeeze the whole family into the Delorean and go 20 years back in time.

What does a perfect Sunday look like for you? I full day walk/hike with happy and well-behaved children.