FriDate mit Matt

Matt ist ein in Großbritannien geborener und in Berlin lebender Multimediakünstler, Maler, Illustrator, Kurator, Designer und verwischt erfolgreich die Grenzen zwischen Kunst und Design. Er ist bekannt für sein Arbeit in der Designer-Spielzeug-Szene und seine einzigartigen Sammlerstücke aus der Reihe "Lunartik in a Cup of Tea". Seit kurzem gibt es sein neues Malbuch für Kinder "Draw with me", das Kinder mit vielen Seiten voller seltsamer und wunderbarer Illustrationen und Szenen begeistert, mit denen sie interagieren können. Der Unterschied zu anderen Zeichenbüchern besteht darin, dass Matt nur die Hälfte des Buches gezeichnet hat, so dass die Kinder die Möglichkeit haben, die andere Hälfte auszufüllen und einzigartige Tiere, Figuren und Situationen zu erschaffen. Ein ziemlich cooles Projekt, was es zu unterstützen gilt, deshalb stellen wir euch Matt heute etwas näher vor.

Name: Matt Jones

Instagram: @Lunartikjones


Alter: 43

Children (age): 8 and 4

Matt, can you start by telling us about the idea behind Draw Me? I love drawing, I draw all the time, and I made 2 magazine sketchbooks called Doodle Zines and these were full of my artworks for other to inspire to and colour in. But it was not fun enough in my eyes for children, I really wanted something that they could interact with creatively. So I drew half the new book Draw with me and left loads of blank space for the kids to get imaginative with.

I think its great to collaborate with people in work, so it’s all about that!

As a native of Britain you now live in Berlin, what is the city for you? Home, its great, it’s a bit grey, but it’s a home for now.

You are a multi-media artist, painter, illustrator, curator & designer, what made you dedicate yourself to the toy scene? I saw something which mixed art, product and creativity. I love this scene, but Im trying to move it on every day, by helping people get creative and make stuff, being a mentor and a guy how’s already done it knowledge bank.

What does a typical day look like for you? Currently home schooling.

But typically, Get up early, do some sketching, play my guitar, do some work, have breakfast, get more work done, answer emails, wok, lunch, work, pick up my daughter from kinder garden, then game over, go to bed!

Music and art somehow belong together, which are your 3 tracks for the ages? I like Tenacious D – Gomez and What the world needs now, is LOVE sweet LOVE.

Marty McFly invites you on a ride in his Delorean, where is the time travel going? Forward 50 years to the future, just for a peek.

Where do you get the inspiration for your art from? Tea and all my hundreds of old sketch books, which I date and draw in every day.

What do you think is the best thing about family life? Being in a loving relationship with the people you like best.

How do you like to spend your free time? Developing board games and painting figures.

What do you wish for the future? Less cars, more fun, a happy life.

youThomyfridate, drawme, malen, malbuch, matt